Tips To Maintain Good Oral Health

Rebecca Romijn
Originally uploaded by bettyalamode
By : Dr.Ratnadeep Patil

Tips to maintain Good Oral Health
Authors – Dr. Kripa Shetty, Dr. Kavita Mahesh, Smile Care®
Good oral health involves more than just brushing. To keep your teeth and mouth healthy for a lifetime of use, you use these tips:
1. Understand your own oral health needs.
• Talk with your dentist, other oral health care specialist, or hygienist about any special conditions in your mouth and any ways in which your medical/health conditions affect your teeth or oral health.
• Get professional cleaning done at least once a year.
2. Develop, then follow, a daily oral health routine.
• Take care of your teeth and gums by thorough tooth brushing and flossing.
3. Use fluoride.
• Fluoride strengthens developing teeth in children and prevents tooth decay in both children and adults. Toothpastes and mouth rinses contain fluoride. Drink fluoridated water.
4. Brush and floss daily.
• Brush your teeth at least twice a day (morning and before bed time) and floss at least once a day.

5. Eat a balanced diet and limit snacking.
• Eat wisely. Avoiding sugars and starches when snacking applies to adults as well as children. Minimize snacking and have a five-a-day helping of fiber-rich fruits and vegetables
• Avoid tobacco. In addition to general health risks, smokers have 7 times the risk of developing gum disease compared to non-smokers.
• Limit alcohol. Heavy use of alcohol is a risk factor for poor oral and general health.
6. Examine your mouth regularly
• Look for the development of any spots, lesions, cuts, swellings or growths on your gums, tongue, cheeks, inside of your lips, and floor and roof of your mouth. Examine your teeth for any signs of chipping or cracking, discoloration and looseness.

About The Author-- An Implantologist and a Cosmetic Dentist, Ratnadeep, is also an author, a researcher and a mentor. As an educator, he enthuses dentists to never stop learning. He is a born leader, the driving force behind the Smile Care® team and is avidly interested in wildlife.

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