Get Motivated To Exercise

Vanessa Hudgens, originally uploaded by season2310.

By : Tina White

Sometimes the hardest part of achieving any goal is just getting started. Are you having trouble getting motivated to exercise? You are not alone. Many people struggle with this same challenge. Motivation is a key factor that will cause you to take the necessary actions to achieve your fitness goals. One suggestion that may help is to try to focus on all the benefits that you will enjoy by becoming physically fit.

Are you looking forward to any of the following?

• Do you want to have more energy? Imagine feeling light and energetic as you wake up in the morning and have all the energy you need to perform your daily tasks.
• Do you want to decreases stress? Imagine being able to calmly handle all the stress that comes your way each day or feeling stress melt away as you work it off during your cardio or strength training routine.
• Do you want to burn additional calories for weight loss? Imagine quickly and easily reaching your weight loss goals because of the additional calories you have burned through exercise.
• Do you want to be able to maintain your weight without a daily struggle? Imagine not having to worry about every single morsel of food that hits your lips because of the extra calories you burn through exercise.
• Do you want your clothes to fit better? Imagine walking into your favorite clothing store, picking your ideal size jeans off the rack and admiring your fit body in those jeans in the dressing room.
• Do you want to feel more confident? Imagine the increased confidence you have as you walk into a room knowing that you look and feel your personal best because you are physically fit.
• Do you want to reduce your risk for certain cancers, heart disease and diabetes. Imagine your doctor telling you that you can reduce or even eliminate some of your medications because your weight, blood sugar or blood pressure is now within healthy ranges.
• Do you want to sleep better? Imagine hitting your pillow at night and quickly falling into a deep, peaceful and restful sleep so that you are fully refreshed in the morning.

Surely some of the above items can get you excited and help you become more motivated to start a fitness program. Add to this list by coming up with more benefits that apply specifically to you. It can be hard to get started with exercise if you are dreading the mere thought of it. Identifying the benefits to becoming physically fit can fuel your motivation and help you succeed at reaching your fitness goals.

About The Author-- Tina White writes articles on a variety of health and fitness topics. To learn more, Tina recommends you visit: